Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Information I will be adding from time to time

I am a big advocate for aromatherapy, home remedies, herbs,
minerals and teas.
So I will be adding from time to time some information about 
these areas I believe so much in.
I will probably be adding some recipes also, ones that are good 
for you and taste great.

Yes, I will be adding more pictures of baby blankets, shawls

and others things that are being made. I will have the pay pal
fixed so if anything strikes your fancy and you would like to
buy it you will be able to.

I have had some things that have changed in my life of late and

I hope to be back in full swing before too very long.

Thank you for your patience!

One more thing vinegar can do!

Vinegar vanquishes sore throats

Is there anything vinegar can’t do? You probably already know this pantry staple can eliminate odors, kill weeds, remove stains, and clean your house. But it also comes in handy when you have a cold. From ancient times to the present day, people have used a mixture of equal parts vinegar and honey to conquer coughs and soothe sore throats. But you can also make a comforting vinegar gargle. The Vinegar Institute recommends combining 1 cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Gargle with the mixture, and then drink it.

***As always check with your doctor first…please know any and all information given here
is not meant to take the place of regular medication or a medical doctor!***